Emagazine CULTIVAR - ISSUE 4 (5)
Table of content:
Dear Cacti-lovers,
Web-magazine CULTIVAR was planned as a helpful link between the owners of Cacti cultivars scattered world-wide.
If you are a happy owner of Cacti and Succulents collection, including coloured, cristate, monstrose, politomic and other unusual cultivars and forms like "supercabuto", you are the most welcome reader and author of the CULTIVAR Magazine.
Our objective is to inform our readers about any anomalies, especially unusual, in growth and development of Cacti and Succulents, to promote their study, reproduction and distribution of information to other amateurs with the help of our CULTIVAR Magazine.
The Magazine is issued monthly. We appreciate your comments and materials at e-mail: e-mail.
Waleri Kalishev