Cultivar - Free electronic library devoted to anomalous cacti and other succulents (crested, monstrose, colored, hybrid, poly- and dichotomic forms). It's illustrated with photos of cultivars. This project created under a management of Valery Kalishev, Russia.
Cultivar is a unique project that has no analog in the world. We are started at August, 24 2000. From this time was opened 42 issues with 286 articles and photorevews, 3184 pictures. And compilated a section "Book" with also 120 articles. The magazine is bilingual: all articles are available in Russian and in English.
If you are interested in the project and can help us please let us know.
Your help will be accepted with sincere gratitude, e.g.:
- Publications on the subject for the last 15-20 years sent to us with editors' or authors' permissions.
- Translation of information from your native language into English.
- Announcement of CULTIVAR magazine placed by you in your national C&Si magazine.
- Addresses of people who could participate in issuing this magazine.
- Stories about people who contributed into studies and spreading of cultivars (with their photos attached).
- Addresses of funds which could be interested in our project.
Contacts: Letter to editors.
Friends, colleagues, enthusiasts of cacti and other succulents! We invite you to send us photographs of your plants, especially of crested or variegated cultivars. Your stories about cultivars from your collection are enthusiastically welcome! There are many puzzles in this amazing world of cultivars which are yet to be solved and your photos and stories may be a valuable contribution to the studies of these astonishing plants.
We heartily thank all the readers who sent us stories and photos of interesting plants from their collections. You are always welcome!