Russian Society of Cacti and Succulents Study (RSCSS)
Peter Lapshin
translation from Russian by editor
Today we again will talk about Russian Society of Cacti and Succulents Study (RSCSS). The editorial staff of Cultivar any more of time illuminated activity of this Society of the cacti amateurs. The last time, however it already was pleased for a long time: 3 years back. In this issue we have decided to remind to our readers of existence and fissile activity of this Society.
As case images for this article we using a photos from a collection by Innokenty Sinev, which one were made in October, 2006.
RSCSS was created in 1998 and is maiden national such society. The Society unites amateurs on the principles accepted in civilized countries (that is, regardless of the place of residence and age, without membership fee). In the times of the USSR, the members of societies could be only clubs, not persons. Existing in times USSR All-union association of clubs of cacti amateurs - is an association of clubs, instead of separate amateurs. Members of RSCSS are not only citizens of Russia, but also amateurs from all former Soviet republics: Ukraine, Kirghizia, the Kazakhstans and other. Cultivar has published the article about RSCSS in 21 issue: 5th Anniversary of Russian Society of Studying Cacti and Succulents.
The society conducts large activity on popularization of cacti and other succulents among broad layers of the population: organizes the regular exhibitions in State Darvin museum (Moscow) each spring and autumn, and in Zoological museum by Moscow State University in Moscow. In issue 14, Cultivar has placed The Photoreporting about the exhibition in Zoological museum at spring of 2002 (dedicated crested forms of cacti and other succulents).
RSCSS issues two magazines registered in the international classifier. One of them is Cacti and other xerophytic plants (ISSN 0236-3216). It is targeted mostly at amateurs and issued 4-6 times a year. The other magazine, Succulents (ISSN 0236-4700) is for specialists. It is published in Russian and English and issued twice a year.
Cultivar doubly published materials about the magazine Cacti and other xerophytic plants: in 11 issue Advertisement of magazine "Cacti and Other Xerophiles" and in 26 issue: The 5th anniversary of our magazine. Since 1999, when was maiden 1 number of the magazine, many interesting and useful materials tangent diversified problems interesting cacti collectors and others succulents were published. Initially the editorial staff has put as priority information component the issuing and hoping, that it will attract serious collectors seek to possible to full knowledge of object of the entrainment. The waitings were justified to the full: The magazine is quite claimed and is alone from Russian cacti amateurs log-books, abstracted by All-Russia institute of the scientific and technical information.
The president of the society - Valery Serovaysky - cacti collector with the 40-year's experience. Vice-president and main editor of the magazins of the society - Innokentiy Sinev from 1990 to 1996 he was a Director of Parkhai Succulent Botanical Garden of Turkmenian experimental station on plants genetic resources. He gathered a large collection of cacti and other succulents. Having returned in Moscow he was one of the pioneers of issuing of the magazin "Cacti-club", and then and its maiden editor. Now he is also main editor of the magazin "Sukkulenty / Succulents" issued on the English and Russian languages. Cultivar has published the announcement of this magazin in issue 15. The magazin "Sukkulenty/Succulents" (ISSN 02364700) is founded in 1997 by I.Sinev and A.Khohriakov. The magazin is invoked to concentrate outcomes of activities predominantly of domestic biologists working in areas succulentology and adjacent scientific disciplines. The magazin publishes the original articles on Russian and English languages on different aspects of a biology (for example on succulent orhids), ecology, changes of aircraft attitude, systematization and geography of succulent plants.