Para-hobbi. "Cactus Lace" Club.
Attributes from collections by V.Gapon and N.Schelkunova (Krasnoznamensk)
Dear readers of our electronic journal! In this issue we continue a subject of attendant souvenirs dedicated to cacti. In this issue we demonstrate exhibits from collections by Victor Gapon and Natalia Schelkunova (Krasnoznamensk), which they have shown within the framework of the exhibition of the Moscow club of the cacti amateurs. Victor Gapon - main editor of the russian cacti magazin Cacti Club, founded at 1998. This exhibition conducted in Biological museum named K.Timiryazev in November, 2007. By V.Gapon and N.Schelkunova the miscellaneous attendant commodity, bound with cacti subjects was exhibited: handheld calendars, figurine from a glass, soft toys, embroidery by a cross, bottle, coin, suppository and large collection of badges. On this page we demonstrate exhibited samples except for badges. The badges are here.
In the previous issues we repeatedly addressed to a subject of cacti souvenirs. Here the list of this materials published in Cultivar earlier on this subject:
Drawing and ... embroidering cacti! - Valery Kalishev
Selection of circum-cactus souvenirs - Valery Kalishev
Post stamps - Valery Kalishev
Exchange the badges with Cacti theme - Rudolf Majkus, Czech republic
Cactus & animals - Valentino Vallicelli
Introducing czech collector jaromir vavrouch, Czech republic
Cacti featuring calendars - Valery Kalishev
Cacti stamped envelopes
Selection of badges, devoted to cacti
Selection of post stamps
Objects picturing cacti and other succulents
Color mutants: the sun, water and some bits of practice Petrov Yury (Tashkent)
Dear friends, you are welcome to send us the photos of your plants and any other objects related to the world of C&S. I'm sure that almost everybody of us does have a couple of these circum-cactus things! So, show them to the rest of the cactophiles from all over the world!