E-magazine CULTIVAR - ISSUE 3 (31)
Table of contents:
The Editor's Desk:
Dear friends, enthusiasts of cacti and other succulents!
Our guest of the issue is the Oleg Pikalev's (Moscow) "Cacti from A to Z" website which is considered one of the best Russian websites about cacti. The aim of the "Cacti from A to Z" website is to collect the most complete information about varieties, classification, growing conditions, treatment and cultivation of these wonderful plants. Currently, on the website there are over 2240 photos, more than 90 families, 657 species and 12 cacti genera descriptions, many links to clubs, a bibliography list, articles and essays, a forum.
We invite you to send us photographs of your plants (with or without names), especially of colored and flowering cultivars. Your stories about cultivars from your collection are enthusiastically welcome! The most interesting information and photos will be published in the next issues of our magazine. There are many puzzles in this amazing world of cultivars which are yet to be solved and your photos and stories may be a valuable contribution to the studies of these astonishing plants. We heartily thank all the readers who sent us stories and photos of interesting plants from their collections. You are always welcomed!
Valery Kalishev, Editor-in-Chief
Editor-in-Chief: Valery Kalishev (Chelyabinsk)
English translation by: Irina Ten (VA, USA), Irina Kalmykova (Krasnodar, Russia)
Lay-out and publishing in Internet: Irina Ten (VA, USA)