
Leafy succulents
by Peter Lapshin

Cacti Library
'Cultivar' (V.Kalishev)

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Start page Cultivar: e-magazine about exotic forms of Cactaceae C U L T I V A R
e-Magazine about exotic forms of Cactaceae
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Project by Valery Kalishev 
ISSUE 3 (40):

Complete articles list
Contents The Book
Сontents of this issue


Echeveria harmsii f. cristata

Echeveria pulvinata f. cristata

Orostachys japonicum f. cristata

Orostachys malacophylla ssp. iwarenge f. variegata

Orostachys malacophylla ssp. iwarenge f. variegata

PHOTO GALLERY - Japanese Echeverian cultivars

prepared by Peter Lapshin

Dear readers of our e-magazine!
In this issue we continue to publish photos of anomalous succulents.

Today we have made for you a selection Japanese cultivars of Echeveria from the Japanese site Crested Echeveria from this page and variegated Echeveria from this. English version of this site not present and a availability of both of these servers leaves to wish the best. Also for them often change of addresses of pages, that even more worsens a situation.

The previous issues of the Photo Gallery were dedicated to the unusual forms of cacti and succulents from genera: Crested Opuntia (#39), Hybrided Gasteria and Haworthia (#39), Crested Saguaro (#38), Astrophytum cultivars (#38), 'Holland' plants (#37), Cotyledon, Kalanchoe (#36), Agave (#35), Echeveria (#34), Astrophytum (#34), замечательных растений Ш.Матитьяху: кактусы и суккуленты, суккулентных композиций (#32), Euphorbia millii (#32), Аdenium (#32), Aeonium (#30), Haworthia (#30), Turbinicarpus (#29), Cereus (#27 и #28), Rebutia (#26), Ariocarpus (#25), Gymnocalycium (#22, #23), Astrophytum (#18).

Echeveria agavoides f. cristata

Echeveria harmsii f. cristata

Echeveria sp. f. cristata

Echeveria f. variegata

Echeveria sp. f. cristata

Echeveria acutyolia f. variegata

Echeveria sp. f. cristata

Echeveria sp. f. cristata

Echeveria sp. f. cristata

Echeveria sp. f. cristata

Echeveria alonsoi f. cristata

Echeveria f. variegata

Echeveria cv. Laulin dsayana f. cristata

Echeveria glauca f. cristata

Echeveria albicans f. cristata

Echeveria spectabilis f. variegata

Echeveria spectabilis f. variegata f. cristata

Echeveria X cv. Kantorisu f. variegata

Echeveria purpusorum f. cristata

Echeveria purpusorum f. cristata

Echeveria purpusorum f. variegata

Echeveria purpusorum f. variegata

Echeveria pulvinata f. variegata

Echeveria runyonii cv. Topsy-Turvy f. cristata

Echeveria nodulosa f. variegata

Echeveria f. variegata

Echeveria sp. f. cristata


Cultivar e-magazin: Copyright (c) by Valery Kalishev, Chelyabinsk, Russia, since 2000.
Design and hosting by Peter Lapshin, since 2002. Contacts: Peter Lapshin
