prepared by Peter Lapshin
 Aeonium decorum Sunburst
 Aeonium decorum cv. Lemon Lime link
 Aeonium aizomenisiki f.variegata link
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Dear readers of our e-magazine!
In this issue we continue to publish photos of anomalous succulents. The previous issues of the Photo Gallery were dedicated to the unusual forms of cacti from genera Astrophytum (#18), Gymnocalycium (#22, #23), Ariocarpus (#25), Rebutia (#26), Cereus (#27 and #28), Turbinicarpus (#29).
Here we have selected for you some photos of crested and variegated cultivars of genus Aeonium Webb & Berth. (the Crassulaceae fam.). Also in this issue we published an article about haworthias for which we prepared the photo gallery of abnormal members of this genus.
Some plants on the photos have different names, but look alike. We left the original names that were specified on source sites. Since identification of aeoniums is not a simple work for amateurs and we often see a liberal approach to it, we do not try to insist on our own opinion.
Nine photos of crested forms (and crested variegated) are on the left, and twenty seven photos of variegated forms are on the left and below.
We would like to recommend a photoalbum of Guiseppe Tavormina (Italy), an expert in Aeonium. In his collection he has cultivated forms, varieties and hybrids of this genus. The link to the photoalbum's page with cultivars is here where you can find
interesting hybrids, crested and variegated forms of Aeonium.
The following sites were the sources of the photos on this page: - 5 photo - 4 photo - 4 photo - 3 photo - 3 photo - 3 photo - 3 photo - 1 photo - 1 photo - 1 photo - 1 photo - 1 photo
The source of a photo is specified under the hyperlink that located after the title of every photo. However for some photos the source is not known. We apologize to the owners of photos. If you recognized your photos and have no objection for their use in our magazine please let us know so we could credit you and place a link to your site or homepage.
Don't forget that the photos of unusual plants from your collections are always welcomed by our e-magazine.
 Aeonium haworthii f.variegata link
 Aeonium arboreum atropurpureum f.variegata link
 Aeonium arboreum f.variegata link
 Aeonium arboreum f.variegata link
 Aeonium arboreum f.variegata link
 Aeonium arboteum f.luteo-variegata link
 Aeonium cv. Kiwi link
 Aeonium decorum cv. Lemon Lime link
 Aeonium decorum cv. Sunburst link
 Aeonium decorum cv. Sunburst link
 Aeonium domesticum link
 Aeonium domesticum f.variegata link
 Aeonium sp. link
 Aeonium sp. link
 Aeonium sp. variegata link
 Aeonium urbicum cv.Moonburst link
 Aeonium urbicum cv. Sunburst link
 Aeonium arboreum luteovariegata
 Aeonium urbicum cv. Sunburst link
 Aeonium urbicum f.variegata link
 Aeonium vurchardii cv. Sunburst link
 Aeonium sp. variegata link
 Aeonium undulatum link
 Aeonium haworthii variegata
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