
Leafy succulents
by Peter Lapshin

Cacti Library
'Cultivar' (V.Kalishev)

Succulent Society

Moscow Indoor
Plant Club

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Start page Cultivar: e-magazine about exotic forms of Cactaceae C U L T I V A R
e-Magazine about exotic forms of Cactaceae
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Project by Valery Kalishev 
ISSUE 6 (22):

Complete articles list
Contents The Book
Сontents of this issue


Photo 3. A. Lyubimov

Photo 4. Sedum aizoon (old Sedum maximowiczii Regel.)

Photo 5. Sedum ellacombianum (?selskianum)

Photo 6. Sedum ewersii

Photo 7. Sempervivum arachnoideum

Photo 8. Sedum album


Photo 1. Sedum spurium

Photo 2. Agave americana

    From Editor: In the issue 6(22) there was an article about a construction of a cacti rock garden in wet climate (Fort Loderdale, Miami area, Florida, USA). Now we present you pictures of a succulent rock garden built in Samara, Russia.

This garden was built by one of the schools in a heartland region of Russia. A distinguishing feature of the rock garden is the choice of plants - the succulents that can be found in the wild on the territory of Russia: Sedum, Sempervivum, Agave. Construction of such a garden is easily achievable and affordable. The plants are in bloom from the last snow until the first snow (from the middle of April until November).

    Photos by Alexandr Vasin
    We express the sincere gratitude to Anatoly Mihaltsov (Omsk) and Ludmila Presnyakova (Voronezh) for help with species definitions of the rock garden plants.

Photo 9. General view of Rock Garden. In a right lower corner the small architecture form: sundial.

Photo 10. Sedum acre


Photo 11. Sedum aizoon

Photo 12. Sedum spurium

Photo 13. Sedum sp.


Cultivar e-magazin: Copyright (c) by Valery Kalishev, Chelyabinsk, Russia, since 2000.
Design and hosting by Peter Lapshin, since 2002. Contacts: Peter Lapshin
