Alexey V. Naumov, Moscow
This list is an attempt to gather all the information about abnormal forms of growth of succulent plants (except Cactea)
We tried to consider the most frequent of abnormal forms, namely crested and monstrous. Definitions will be given in the final version of the list. We are going to place the information concerning other forms of abnormal growth (like dichotomy and others) and materials on variegated forms of non-cacti succulents into a special appendix.
Working on the preliminary list we used the material of private collections, publications, plant-lists of commercial companies, the data from Internet and confirmed reports of specialists and collectors.
There are certain difficulties in such work. Plant collectors are not united, there is lack of specialized literature and exchange of information.
Another problem is inaccuracy of labeling. It is also difficult to distinguish similar species (especially on photos and reproductions). Finally photos themselves lack. The latter is a common case when many plant-lists are published. It hampers to make analytical work with them. This can justify the fact that the list is incomplete and imperfect.
Now the Preliminary list is just a list, not a catalog or a project of illustrated book, though we form the bank of photos simultaneously.
Today the list contains 00 species, including 00 monstrous and 00 crested forms. We hope it will increase.
The main part of the list contains most of known to us crested and monstrous forms of succulents. As we go on working on the list in the current version crested and monstrous forms are not divided – to make it more convenient to orient yourself. In final version this part will consist of two sections. But already now unusual conventional monstrous forms
Liliaceae are singled out into Supplement. A short section Appendix seems to be void of popular scientific and cognitive sense and is rather to amuse readers showing how freely the authors deal with settled terminology.
Both in sections and in the Main part material is organized in alphabetic order of botanic genera. Inside genera species and cultivars are given as a single list, hybrids are placed at the end (the latter refers to gen. Echeveria).
Description includes a link to an available species of the plant (if there are no obstacles to it), a link to where it is mentioned (alas, very often it is the same plant-list) and finally a link to a picture (if the publication is found).
We will be grateful for any corrections, comments and additions. We will be interested both in new non-typical forms, not mentioned in the list and in information about mentioned forms kept in collections. The names of owners will be indicated (if they want them to be).
The section Thanks will open (or close) the list.
Gen. Adromichus Lem. (Crassulacea)
Adromischus cristatus (Haw.) Lem. f. monstrosa
(analog: BobSmoley*s GARDENWORLD, N 51012. )
Adromischus maculatus (Salm-Dyck) Lem. f. cristata
Gen. Aeonium Webb&Berthel. (Crassulacea)
Aeonium arboreum var. atrourpureum (W.A.Nicholson ) A.Berger f. cristata
Экземпляр в собрании В.С.Серовайского (Москва).
(analog: BobSmoley*s GARDENWORLD, N 50122. )
Aeonium CV "Sunburst" f. cristata
(analog: BobSmoley*s GARDENWORLD, N 50122. )
Aeonium pseudotabulaeforme f. cristata
Экземпляр в собрании В.С.Серовайского (Москва)
(analog: BobSmoley*s GARDENWORLD, N 50063. )]
Aeonium sp. (percaneum (Murr.) Pit. et Proust CV "Kiwi" f. cristata Экземпляр в собрании В.С.Серовайского (Москва).
Gen. Crassula L. (Crassulacea)
Crassula "Aramatsy" f. monstrosa
(analog: Nature's Curiosity Shop, Sep 10 2001)
Crassula argentia "Gallum", "Sea Corall" f. monstrosa
(analog: Nature's Curiosity Shop, Sep 10 2001)
Crassula argentia "Hobbit" f. monstrosa
(analog: Nature's Curiosity Shop, Sep 10 2001)
Crassula falcata J.C.Wendl f. monstrosa
(analog: BobSmoley*s GARDENWORLD, N 50063)
Crassula lycopodioides f. cristata
(analog: BobSmoley*s GARDENWORLD, N 50361 )
Crassula muscosa Thunb. f. monstrosa
(analog: BobSmoley*s GARDENWORLD, N 52034. )
Crassula portulacea Lam. f. monstrosa
(= Crassula gollum f. monstrosa, =Crassula gollum "DWARF")
Gen. Echeveria DC. (Crassulacea)
Echeveria agavoides Lem. f. cristata
(=E.Obscura Poelln., Urbinia agauoides Rose)
(analog: Uhlig Kakteen.)
(analog: Pavaroto.Cactus & Succulente. Plant list.Italy, 1999, p 44.)
Echeweria albicans f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld 2001, 50392)
Echeveria atropurpureum (Baker) E.Morren f. cristata
(= E. sauguinea Hort.)
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 99)
Echeveria coccinea f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 2001, 51017 )
Echeveria CV "Dondo" f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 2001, 51064 )
Echeveria fimbrata f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 2001, 85148:" ECHEVERIA FIMBRIATA CREST RA. )
Echeveria (CV) "Hummel"s Minibelle" f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 2001, 85398. )
Echeveria pumila Van Houtte f. cristata
(= Cotyledon pumila, = E.glauca var. pumila)
Echeweria ramiletti f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 51089. )
Echeweria runyonii "TOPSI TURVY" Hort. f. monstrosa
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 50423)
(analog: Uhlig Kakteen)
Echeveria setosa Rose& J.A.Purpus f. cristata
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 103)
Echeweria CV "Scarlet Queen" f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 85146)
Echeveria sp. f. cristata
Экземпляр в собрании В.С.Серовайского.(Москва).
Echeveria sp. f. cristata
Echeweria subrigida (Robinson&Seaton) Rose f. cristata
( =Echeweria sangusta Poelln.)
(analog: Pavaroto.Cactus & Succulente. Plant list.Italy, 1999, p 44:
Echeweria sangusta f. cristata)
Echeveria zahnii f. cristata
Экземпляр в собрании П.Лапшина (Москва).
X Graptiveria bainsii f. cristata
(Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 50323)
X Pachyveria clavifolia f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 51041)
Gen. Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiacea)
Euphorbia avasmontana f. cristata
Euphorbia bubalina Boiss. f. cristata
Экземпляр в собрании В.С.Серовайского (Москва).
Euphorbia caput-medusae L. f. cristata
( = E.fructu-pinii Mill., = E. medusae Thunb., = E.tesselata Haw.)
Euphorbia enopla Boiss. f. cristata
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 114)
Euphorbia excelsa f. monstrose f. A
Euphorbia excelsa f. monstrose f. B
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 40038, 40039.)
Euphorbia flanganii W.E.Br. f. cristata
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 114)
Euphorbia horrida Boiss.
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 119)
Euphorbia horrida var. striata A.C.White, Dyer&B.Sloane
(Ill.: Succulents. The illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Cassel&Co, London, 2000, p. 112)
Euphorbia infausta N.E.Br. f. cristata
Euphorbia ingens f. monstrosa
(analog: Grigsby cactus garden. )
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 40066. )
Euphorbia kibwezensis f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 40072. )
Euphorbia lactea Haw. f. cristata
(analog: AridLand, N 1924. )
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 40077. )
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 121)
Euphorbia lactea Haw. f. cristata variegated
(Bob Smoley Gardenworld, 85144, 40078)
Euphorbia lactea Haw. f. cristata variegated select white
(Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 85151. )
Euphorbia lactea Haw. f. cristata variegated white/red
Экземпляр в собрании В.С.Серовайского (Москва).
(Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 85152. )
Euphorbia lomii hybr. f. cristata
(Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 85705. )
(Bob Smoley's Gardenworld - Events, Sep 10 2001)
Euphorbia pseudocactus f. cristata
(Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 2001)
Euphorbia mamillaris L. f. cristata
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 122)
Euphorbia milli Des Moul f. cristata
Euphorbia milli Des Moul var. supergrandiflora f. cristata
(Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 2001)
Euphorbia neriifolia L. f. cristata
Фотография воспроизведена в электронном каталоге В.Калишева
Euphorbia nivulia Buch.-Ham. f. cristata
(analog: AridLand, N 1305. )
Euphorbia obesa Hook.f. f. cristata
(analog: Uhlig Kakteen, DM 16-18)
Атипичная форма воспр. в: (Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 126)
Euphorbia piscidermis M.G.Gilbert f. cristata
(analog: Out-Of-Africa, 2000)
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 129)
Euphorbia pseudocactus f. cristata
(Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, N 2244, 2001)
Euphorbia pugniformis Boiss. f. cristata
(analog: Uhlig Kakteen.)
Euphorbia ramiglans N.E.Br. f. cristata
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 130)
Euphorbia susannae Marloth. f. cristata
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 135).
Gen. Graptopetalum Rose. (Crassulacea)
Graptopetalum bellum (Moran & J.Meyran) E.Walther f. cristata
( = Tacitus bellus Moran & Meyran )
Экземпляр в собрании П.Лапшина (Moсква).
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 145)
Graptopetalum paraguayense ( N.E.Br.) E.Walther f. cristata
( = Sedum Weinbergii)
(Ill.: Succulents. The illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Cassel&Co, London, 2000, photo on the front of the books show)
Graptopetalum uruguayense f. cristata
(analog: Uhlig Kakteen.)
Gen. Orbea Haw. ( Asclepiadacea)
Orbea (Stapelia) maculosa f. cristata
(analog: Uhlig Kakteen.)
Orbea (Stapelia) variegata (L.) Haw. f. cristata
(analog: Uhlig Kakteen.)
Gen. Pachyphytum Link, Klotzsch&Otto. (Crassulacea)
Pachyphitum compactum Rose f. cristata
Gen. Pachypodium Lindl. (Apocynacea)
Pachypodium lamerei Drake f. cristata
Pachypodium rosulatum ssp. gracilior f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 85311. )
Gen. Sedum L. (Crassulacea)
Sedum dendroideum Moc et Sesse ex DS ssp. prealtum (DC) R.T.Clausen f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 50724. )
Sedum lucidedeum f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 51043. )
Sedum reflexum L. f. cristata.
(analog: Benny's list of hardy succulents, Sep 10 2001)
Sedum reflexum L. f. cristata variegata
(analog: Benny's list of hardy succulents, Sep 10 2001 (B6) p1998 LJJ ")
Gen. Sempervivum L. (Crassulacea)
Sempervivum CV "Red & Green" f. cristata
(analog: Benny's list of hardy succulents, Sep 10 2001
"691,1 Sempervivum ' Red & Green ' f. cristata ").
Gen. Senecio L. (Compositae)
Senecio vitalis f. cristata
(analog: Bob Smoley*s Gardenworld, 50757. )
Senecio picticaulis P.R.O.Bally f. cristata
(=S. subulatus Bally/Jacobe, = subulatifolius G.D.Rowley)
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 214)
Gen. Sinocrassula A.Berger. (Crassulacea)
Sinocrassula sp. f. cristata
Gen. Stapelia L. (Asclepiadacea)
Stapelia hirsuta L. f. cristata
(=S.Marginata B.Sloane)
(Ill.: Succulents 2. New illustrated dictionary. M.Sajeva, M.Constanzo.
-Timber press, Portlend, Oregon, 2000, p. 217)
Gen. Trichocaulon N.E.Br. (Asclepiadacea)
Trichocaulon dinteri A.Berger f. cristata