Список статей | Контакт с автором | English | RUS=Win1251 |
My name is Peter Lapshin. I am 33 years old. I work in Timiryasev Plant Physiology Institut, Moscow as scientific researcher.
My profession is plant biotechnology. I have a doctor degree on biology in 2001 on theme: "Cellular selection of wheat resistant to UV-B irradiation". A purpose of this work was a obtaining a cell line of wheat, steady in increased doses of UV-B. The abstract of this work (on english) and all publications in scientific and popular journals (on russian) you can see from menu.
Succulent collecting - is my old hobby. In my collection about 400 taxons of succulent plants. They grow in greenhouse in Plant Physiology Institut. Me like more Crassula genus and other genera of a Crassulaceae family.